Young girls want to play sport, attend (and enjoy) camps and engage in outdoor school activities, such as PE and off site events without the worry of what to do if there are not proper facilities.
FabLittleBag is perfect for this application. Schools and youth groups when on the move, will find FabLittleBag the perfect option, to ensure students have hygenic disposal available when away from serviced facilities.
Our school packs help engage and empower girls to participate in outdoor learning and sport during a period.
FabLittleBag allows users to dispose of sanitary waste hygienically when no bins are present in a discreet and stress-free way.
For teams, and coaches our Coaches Kits and Starter Kits are a great option to have on hand when travelling for sport or visiting locations where there are no serviced facilities.
Simply knowing there is a disposal option available, is proven to increase participation in outdoor learning and sport. Having a solution on hand, gives students the confidence to engage in outdoor activities, knowing there will be a option available as needed.

We can customise the Starter Kit to suit your school and team. Whether you need a Natural Canvas, Waterproof, Neoprene, single or double compartment smaller or larger size we have options to suit everyone.
Starter Kits can include a welcome letter, a 'how to fab' card & FabLittleBag pack. We also supply custom kits with optional extras including Australian organic period products, natural sanitiser and biodegradable wipes.